Sunday, February 7, 2016

10 Reasons WWE Has Ruined Roman Reigns

There’s no getting away from it, Roman Reigns is the chosen one in WWE.
With John Cena entering the twilight years of his full time in-ring career, Vince McMahon needs his next ‘cash cow’ that will be the face of his wrestling empire. Reigns, with his lovely tan, big muscles and mane-like hair, fits the bill perfectly.
However, after so long of having Cena ‘shoved down their throats’ for as long as they can remember, certain sections of WWE’s Universe doesn’t want that to happen again. And judging by the unparalleled success that Cena and WWE have enjoyed over the past decade or more, Vince McMahon – from a purely business stand point – would be silly not to try a similar method with The Big Dog.
Roman is over with the younger demographic and the ladies, naturally, but it’s that male 18-30 age group who make their voices heard the loudest during big pay per views, often blighting the atmosphere Vinne Mac is trying to create.
This, of course, is no fault of Roman’s. He’s merely carrying out orders given to him by his boss. Although you could argue that he should be coming up with his own fantastic ideas that trump anything those fabled creative teams come up with.
Here’s 10 things that WWE are doing to Ruin Roman Reigns…
A man of Roman’s ilk shouldn’t be a cartoon character with his sufferin’ succotashs, or trying to crack the odd blue joke about a Celtic Warrior’s b*lls.
Roman has been hamstrung by the promos WWE’s creative teams have come up for him just about as long as his singles career has been going.
You can tell he’s way out of his comfort zone in certain situations, while the mannerisms and personality he conveys on television is so forced it’s hard to watch at times.
In the role of face of the company you need to be able to speak well in front of the world, and toe the company line in mainstream interviews. While there’s little doubting Roman can do the latter, it’s the former that he clearly struggles with.
WWE should have him be all mysterious, not to the extent WCW’s Sting was during the 90s, but enough that doesn’t see him talk all to often. Accentuate his positives rather than highlight his shortcomings and those doubters might get on side.
Arrive. Kick a**. Leave. That should be The Big Dog’s motto.

The Superman Punch and The Spear…. Urgh.
Heck, let’s throw the setup to the punch in there for good measure. That cocking of the fist is just so goofy, isn’t it?
Any sort of close fisted punch in WWE is a no no for me. What’s the point in trying to make things look legitimate when a huge smack to the chops if it doesn’t leave a mark? Are our favourite Superstars’ first made from sponge? And given how over the top Roman’s blow is, it just makes things all that worse…
And The Spear? Roman’s only around the 1,245,332nd Superstar in wrestling history to use it as his finisher. WWE should have had him do something innovative. He’s certainly strong enough to pull something extraordinary off…

Same music, same attire. What is Roman’s gimmick as a singles competitor? What are we getting behind here?
Change is not good, as the old adage goes. But on this occasion it most certainly is.
There’s nothing more to add here, Reigns needs to be allowed to put his own stamp on his attire and music and it could change his perception in the eyes of the WWE Universe.

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